Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Give Your Home A Flu Shot



What if there was a product that could purify every cubic foot of air in your home or place of business every hour or two? What if this product could kill the germs, bacterias, and viruses from a sneeze in just three feet?

Well, I have good news for you. Do some research into the REME HALO and the REME LED. I put the Halo in my home 2 years ago and loved it so much I became a qualified contractor with RGF, the manufacturer of this product. Here is a link full of information and testing.     It's like giving your home or workplace a FLU SHOT. 

Each year, around the time school begins, we start seeing the flu making its annual appearance into society. Imagine if our schools, restaurants, banks, bars, clubs, offices, clinics, or hospitals, you name it, were to install these products, what a difference it could make. All that is needed is to be on a forced-air system. I will work very hard every day to make this happen. In the workplace, just the amount of sick leave or absentees could pay for it in one year.

RGF is currently working on testing the RemeHalo, and Reme LED on the coronavirus. COVID-19 is a member of the enveloped RNA coronavirus (subgenus sarbecovirus, Orthocoronavirinae) subfamily. While RGF® does not have testing specifically on COVID-19, we have validated test results showing 99+% reductions on similar viruses. These viruses, like COVID-19, are also ‘enveloped’ or protein jacketed virus types. If we can reduce these virus types, an assumption could be made that we would also be effective at reducing the current coronavirus at hand. Important to note that we make no medical claims. Hopeful the results will be what we are looking for and should have results soon. It would stand to reason that the COVID-19 virus is similar to most viruses such as the H1N1, SARS. And if this is true, we will be instrumental in killing the coronavirus. 

It's very nice to be involved with RGF, they are so far ahead of the parade they can't hear the band play. A company that is in front of the eight ball, rather than behind the eight ball. Refreshing.

This product (REME HALO and REME LED)is now a minimum of 90 days out, and the demand is getting higher every day. Comet is still running a 10% off sale. We are currently operating on a first come first serve and advise to get your orders in ASAP.

Call Gary for more information (406) 321 1504


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